It's all me, me, me, me, me

My photo
NAILSWORTH, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom


Emotionally Drained

It's that time of year again. 
The time we all yearn for and dread in equal measure.
Glastonbury Ticket Time - PART 1


Roll on April, 
Glastonbury Ticket Time - PART 2
The returned tickets sell off, when we get to spend another hour or two pinned to the sofa, with us repeatedly recycling 3 phones and 3 computers, before shuffling off to the biscuit barrel (or in our case, cat) to console ourselves until we feel sick - ideally. At least then I shall feel it was all worth it.
: )

MeWally was too upset for mere biscuits. He headed out of the house on this perfect day and stuck his head in a trench and played with the drains.


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