It's all me, me, me, me, me

My photo
NAILSWORTH, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom


Womens Glib

When I was a girl there were no 'young women',; one went from being a girl to a lady. A LADY - one of those creatures trapped in a chastity belt and prone to hysteria. At school, boys were addressed by their surnames, but not the girls. Girls had no claim on their family names as they'd be 'given away' in marriage to another family. Girls were collateral. Too many girls in a family were a drain on resources for little reward.

Once married, all our (the girls) money and possessions became the property of the husband - for ever - to be left with the guy if the marriage failed.

To top it all off, there was no such thing as rape within a marriage. Raping ones wife was perfectly legal.

Thankfully all that has changed.

Imagine, then, my surprise when I spotted this notice in the window of  THE BELL, a Dursley pub with a nightclub out back..

Yep, you got it.

The offer of the century, the 18th century, that is.


I bet they had blokes queuing right around the block for that offer.

Along the similar lines - the emancipation of women - I offer you the following two images!

During our stay in France this summer us girlies went retro to pose as the perfect little women, or as I decided to name us:

And I have no recollection of this little episode.
That's probably the wine talking.

I'm so glad we can now laugh about all this stuff.

Oh, how times have changed since I was a girl.

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