It's all me, me, me, me, me

My photo
NAILSWORTH, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom


Model Baby

Bella rocked up tonight with her mummy.

As you can see Bella was wearing this gorgeous little coat

that would look pretty good on me - if it was a bit bigger, of course!

Coat off, PONCHO on. Sent by Amanda! Bella loved it. 
It is soooo CUTE.

We had to finish the look by adding these Peruvian pipes.
Poor kid.

What Bella wore under the coat and the poncho was this chi-chi little number. 
Now that's what I call STYLE.

Mini Mouse top and Pepper Pig boots.

MeWally got hold of a pen

and grabbed Bellas attention

by drawing smilies on her palms.


Who knows?

: )

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